
Aid Given
This is the first scheme implemented by Sikhmai in 2009 and has been carried on till date. Through this aid, needy families are given specific amount of money on a monthly basis to run their households. Prior to that, these families are evaluated by the committee members upon visiting their residence. The evaluation is carried out every 6 months to monitor the financial situation of each family. Currently, Sikhmai is providing this aid to 21 families each month.
This aid is given to the members only once upon request. This includes Bereavement aid, Hospital bills, Initial Funding for Tertiary Education, Medical equipment, and setting up businesses. Sikhmai provides any of these aids as we want to help our members overcome their difficult times and kick start the journey to their bright future. This could act as a booster to the members and their families and motivate them to strive for the best. This would also help them to feel better in continuing their daily lives. As of year 2022, Sikhmai has provided this aid to 9 of its members at different times.
Sikhmai helps its needy members to pay these expenses as they can’t afford it themselves. The situation leading to this consequence may vary depending on each member’s case. That includes different reasoning such as not all single mothers were working women thus leading them broke upon the demise of their spouses. Also, not all of them have paper qualifications or skills that could get them a stable job or income. Moreover, some mothers are only able to make ends meet for a living. Therefore, Sikhmai has taken this measure until one of the family members are capable of dealing with these matters by themselves. In the present year, Sikhmai has provided this aid to 6 of its members bearing their total expenses of RM 4,500 for each month.
Sikhmai provides this school related items to the children of single mothers who cannot afford to get one by themselves. These items are given to kids at the end of each year before the start of next school term. This year only 11 students received their school belongings due to pandemic and short school term. In contrast to that, a total of 71 children had received their school items in 2019 prior to Covid-19.
With the blessings of the ALMIGHTY and the generosity of the DONORS Worldwide, SIKHMAI purchased a building of its own. The Sales and Purchase Agreement was signed on 10th July 2021. This property was acquired to use it as the office premises of Sikh Single Mothers Association Ipoh, Perak and to house any needy member who needs temporary shelter. The property is named as SIKHMAI JANGIRO NIVAAS. On 10th May 2022, Sikhmai sheltered a mother with 2 kids from her abusive husband. Times were so bad for the family that they had to go in hiding in the fear that her husband would find them despite being in different states. Throughout their stay, the Sikhmai committee ensured to provide them with daily necessities and other needs (transport, education/tuition fees, etc.). Other than giving advice and moral support, they also helped to enrol the kids in a nearby school and tuition centre to ensure their education is not affected due to the family turmoil. Thanks to our donors, Sikhmai bore all their expenses till they resided in our Home. After 6 months, the family moved out of Sikhmai residence to stay independently at Sunway City Ipoh.
Some members tend to face difficulties when looking for a placement in the job market. Single mothers or children who have little/no paper qualifications are more prone to facing such issues. This comes with the huge risk of having unstable income or job. Chances of these people being deployed are also very high. Therefore, the Sikhmai committee would try to help its members to secure a long term job (if possible) so they can make a living for themselves and their family members. As of this year, Sikhmai has helped 3 mothers and 1 child in obtaining their jobs in the working world.
When the need arises, we may help our members in obtaining shelter in these places. At least our members will receive proper attention, care and different services that we may not be able to provide for them. As per record, 2 of our members are placed in an Old Folks Home. However, one of them passed away in October 2022.
A child needs both parents for complete nourishment of mind and soul. The absence of a parent even for a short while can affect the psyche of the child. But single parents are a reality with which not only the children but the single parents also have to deal. Single mothers with families, face a lot more and different challenges than a regular family including social isolation, economic difficulties and personal problems. Therefore, other than having an experienced committee who may possess counselling skills in speaking with our members, Sikhmai also provides assistance from qualified counsellors/psychologist/psychiatrist to parents and children who may need their help. Currently, we have a few members who are going for therapy and being counselled by professionals from this line of duty.